Butter is back on the menu and this delicious coffee prove it. No matter what your initial thought you seriously must sample this creamy luxurious coffee for yourself. Grass fed butter is high in fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Butter is also a great source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) shown to aid in weight loss and improved body composition. If you are interested (and brave) the following explains how you can make your own fat black at home.



  1. Brew 200ml of organic coffee, you may use a standard espresso machine, French press or filtered coffee machine.

  2. Place black coffee, grass fed butter and MCT oil in a blender and blend on high until all ingredients are mixed through, this usually takes 30 seconds.

  3. Poor the butter coffee into a coffee cup and enjoy!

  4. Tip: to keep your coffee warm you may wish to preheat the blender with boiling water before adding the black coffee or use a thermomix to blend; 2 minute, temp 60, speed 4.

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